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  1. Rattan products are water resistant and could withstand water splashes and rain, however they shouldn't be soaked in water. Use dry cloth to wipe down your rattan product and hang dry indoors.

  2.   They should be hung up at the wall or under the roof when not in use, occasional exposure under the sun helps to keep its quality.

  3. Traditionally, rattan goods would be hung 2 meters above the hearth, as the product is being smoked, a natural brown sheen will occur overtime.

  4.   The natural waxy coating on the rattan helps to protect its inner fibers, it is dust and stain repellent to some degree.



  1. 月桃の繊維は湿気を吸収する性質がありますので、湿気の多い環境での保管は避けてください。

  2. 梅雨の季節には、除湿機を使用するか、製品を日光に当てることができます。

  3. 汚れがある場合は、すぐに湿った布で拭いて清潔にし、風通しの良い場所で陰干ししてください。 水洗いは避けてください。

  4. 月桃は肌との接触により、色合いに深みが出て、自然な光沢が増します。

Shell Ginger

  1. The sheath of shell ginger we use has moisture-absorbingproperties, please avoid storing them in damp environments.

  2. During the rainy season, consider using a dehumidifier or airing them out in the sun as needed.

  3. If the product get dirt, you can immediately wipe it clean with a lightly damp cloth and air dry it in a well-ventilated area. *Avoid washing with water.

  4. The surface of shell ginger craft will naturally develop a depth of color and a glossy sheen with regular use or contact with the skin.


  1. 藺草の繊維は呼吸し、湿気を吸収する性質があります。 使用後は乾燥させ てください。

  2. 家の中で日の当たる場所に置くことで、香りを清新に保つことを推奨します。

  3. クリーニングが必要な場合は、水で湿らせた清潔な布巾で拭き、その後製品 を日光で干してください。

  4. 湿気によるカビが生じた場合は、柔らかいブラシで優しくカビを取り除き、 乾いた布巾で拭き取ります。 何度か繰り返し、その後日光で乾燥させます。

  5. 製品が長期間使用されない場合は、約10-15分間日光にさらして乾燥を 確認した後、密封袋に収納することで、藺草製品の寿命を延ばすことが できます。

  6. 製品は折り曲げたり圧迫したりしないでください。


Rush Grass

  1. The fibers of rush grass have moisture-absorbing properties. After use, please keep it dry. 

  2. We recommended to air the product in the sun regularly or put it in a sunny spot indoors to keep the fragrance fresh.

  3. For cleaning, please wipe the product with a clean cloth dipped in water and then air dry it.

  4. In case of mold due to dampness, gently brush off the mold with a soft brush and wipe with a dry cloth. This process can be repeated several times, followed by sun drying.

  5. When the product is not in use for an extended period, we suggest to expose it to sunlight for 10-15 minutes to ensure dryness, and then store it in a sealable bag, which can prolong the lifespan of the rush weaving product.

  6. Avoid folding or squeezing the rush weaving product.

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